I am Enough

Published by Megan Fenyoe on

I am Enough

Such magic words. But are they true for you?

These words were not true for Megan Fenyoe.  Megan has gone through many struggles throughout her life most recently being involved in a narcissistic abusive marriage ended and having financial struggles, Megan was left traumatized and this is when she began questioning if she was enough. Questioning if she was good enough to ever be in a loving relationship, to be an entrepreneur, to have a successful speaking career, etc. For many years she was living a life without meaning and purpose.

Being a Mental Health Therapist for the last 16 years Megan had to begin using the skills she has taught so many of her clients and begin working on believing she was enough.  This took a lot of visualization work and even getting the words “I am enough” tattooed on her body.  Megan began repeating this simple phrase day in and day out.  She began truly believing she was enough.

This is when Megan began writing her book You Are Enough: 5 Steps To Move From Struggle To Strength which was published in August 2018, through this book she was able to become a best selling author and began visualizing how she wanted to make an impact in this world.

For Megan being enough is about knowing that at the end of the day all that matters is that we make a difference in this world.  It is pulling up our bootstraps and trying again.  Its crying when we need to cry and laughing when we need to laugh.  It is learning to give yourself grace.  Yes grace.

Believe you are enough

Be honest, what would you do if you truly believed you were enough?

* Ask for what you want without fear?
* Leave a dead end relationship?
* Stop people pleasing
* Put your own needs first?
* Write that best seller
* Speak up more often
* Ditch that crappy job?

Did you know that there is a world-wide epidemic going on at the moment and it’s not a physical illness?  

It’s the belief that we are not enough.  Most of us suffer from it even though we don’t all readily admit it. There is a lot of shame associated with not feeling like we are enough, but it’s such an insidious idea that is at the core of everything that limits us.

Self Doubt

What causes that constant self doubt and the self-critical voice inside your head?  That’s right.  That crazy lie that says you aren’t enough.

If you want to be successful then its simply essential that you have healthy levels of self-esteem and confidence and you can only do that when you unconditionally accept yourself as you are. When you don’t think you are good enough you will not take the necessary steps required to achieve your goals.

Megan created the “I Am Enough Movement” as a way to give back. The foundation for the “I Am Enough Movement” is to find joy and live a life filled with more hope, happiness, and with less worry, angst, and those nights wondering if we measure up – well, the foundation is first of all knowing in our hearts that we are enough.

In the 10 Day Challenge you will finally start believing you are enough do be, do or have anything you want in your life.

I Am Enough Movement 10 Day Challenge Instructions

1. On the back of the I Am Enough card write why you believe you are enough. Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes and repeat out aloud (with some feeling and emotion).
2. Do this 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. You can write it on your mirror and I encourage you to keep the card you wrote on for that day with you throughout the entire day (by the end of 10 days you will have 10 cards reminding yourself why you are ENOUGH! You can also repeat this statement silently to yourself whenever you feel you need a boost in your day.

* Take a selfie of you holding the I am Enough card. Yes, yes, a selfie. Because this is a selfie of power, of proclaiming that we’re enough. You can take your selfie holding the front of the card only or both front and back (whatever your comfortable sharing on social media)
* Upload your selfie to the “I AM Enough Movement” Facebook page by clicking here (you can also use the scan bar located on the I am Enough cards). https://www.facebook.com/Iamenoughdaily
* Please also upload it to Instagram using hashtag #Iamenoughmovement and please tag Megan.Fenyoe as well. https://www.instagram.com/megan.fenyoe

The first goal is for you to look at the card and read the words you wrote to begin to believe and see how awesome, beautiful, outstanding, extraordinary, and wonderful you truly are. Because it’s truth.

The second goal is for you to share your experience and the message of being enough with friends, family, co-workers and even strangers. The cards are FREE so get plenty and leave the cards around your community.  Give them to friends and family (snap pictures with them holding the cards and upload to social media)…get creative!

Simply go to: http://v39.0cb.myftpupload.com/i-am-enough/ to learn more
about the movement and order your FREE cards!