Speaking Samples Below:
Megan's Signature Talks:
Speaking Topic #1:
You Are Enough: 5 Steps To Move From Struggle To Strength
Speaking Topic #2:
Goal Setting for Success .
Speaking Topic #3:
Discovering Your True Self .
Book Description:
This book is a step-by-step guide to redesigning your life so you can truly live the life you have always dreamed of. The book offers many activities and exercises you can complete which will help you begin your journey of true transformation. In addition, the author poses many questions to help you begin to visualize a life you truly desire. The book contains space for you to journal your thoughts and action steps.
A Note From Our Speaker:
It is important to understand that when people begin to identify what they truly want in their life it can create some new and possibly uncomfortable negative thoughts and feelings. That is where change happens!
The process of regaining our footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is rested, and our values are forged. We reckon with our emotions and get curious about what we are feeling. We rumble with our stories until we get to a place of truth. We live this process, every day, until it becomes a practice and creates nothing short of a revolution in our lives. Living a brave life is not always easy. We stumble, and we fall. It is the rise from the falling that makes us strong!
“You are enough just as you are, regardless of whatever season you’re in. The more you celebrate and focus on that, the more you will live your strength” ~ Megan R. Fenyoe
Speaking Testimonials:
“Yesterday I listened to you on the Addicted Mind podcast. Thank you so much for a very informative and interesting interview. In addition, thank you for the great 100 affirmations list.
I’m 62 and in the last year I’ve lost 70 pounds. I’m near my goal weight (9 more pounds). I’m determined to beat this addiction and your podcast was exactly what I needed to hear yesterday. You may have just saved my life.
Thank you again for all you do. It’s greatly appreciated. “
~ Diana, Your Biggest Fan!
“I have heard Megan speak on numerous occasions. Her expertise in the area of health and mindset is spot on. Megan is so passionate about helping others and her energy is contagious! Every time I hear her speak I am always inspired and motivated! Thank you Megan for helping me create the life I have always wanted!”
~ Courtney, Client
“Wonderful and motivating speaker and really hit on so many elements of issues that need immediate attention.”
~ Abbey
“I’m so glad I attended. The mother reference really applied to me. Love the tool of grounding —I’m going to think of my fav flowers when I need to ground my thoughts.”
~ Cher
“I recently had the honor and the privilege of showcasing Megan Fenyoe on my global weekly radio/podcast show, Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald!
Megan is the consummate guest – completely bringing her A-Game of quality content and messaging coupled with vulnerability and riveting conversation to myself, the loyal listeners and the podcast subscribers!
I very much admire Megan for her courageously indelible spirit! She is the walking, talking and breathing example for how we should all continue to show up for ourselves and others in life!
Thank you, Megan, for continuously paying it forward and for being of service to others as a servant leader! Keep Shining our friend!”
~ Lisa McDonald
“Megan’s presentation was soooo helpful. I’m overwhelmed by losing my job, my marriage, my house and my daughter. I need to start over and needed this session to get me out of my hole to start living again.”
~ Sara
“Very open and honest, Megan gave a lot of insight on grounding and learning about yourself. I enjoyed the talk!”
~ Lauren
“I would love to attend another presentation by Megan. She did a great job answering questions and sharing her story… so many people can relate”
~ Jaci
“ Megan shines her powerful light on a topic that is so fundamental to 7 billion people on this planet… yet never taught in schools. And she approaches it in a way that you can truly know YOU ARE ENOUGH. Her story, insights and professional experience is the perfect blend to deliver this important message.”
~ Judy Glova
“Megan’s authenticity is contagious. Her journey of transformation and rising strong in life is one that inspires me and all that get to hear her. I am so grateful for her clear message and her commitment to others being able to rise strong in their own journeys.”
~ Christine Abrel, National Marketing Director, Juice PLUS+
“I just wanted to say that I just heard you speak yesterday for the IVAT Conference and it made such an impact on me! Thank you for that! 🙂 It was one of the best speeches I heard all weekend!”
~ Tiffany M.
“Megan was a very confident, organized, believable presenter…she offered great insights on the subject. I enjoyed her presentation.”
~ Mary
“Thank you Megan for taking the time to share the strategies you used to push pass your past and become fully present in your walk. It was very informative.”
~ Veronica