Published by Megan Fenyoe on

Discoving Your True Self

(1) Have you been in a rut, feeling a little static or stuck in negativity and are not sure how to create the life you were meant to live? Has low self-esteem been an issue for you?

(2) Have you ever felt you could not escape your negative thoughts and feelings?

(3) Do you feel emptiness inside as if a piece of you is missing?

(4) Do you struggle with following a healthy lifestyle routine due to life’s changing demands?

(5) Do you feel like you’re not enough and are unsure of how to break the cycle of where to start?

A “yes” answer to four or more of these questions reveals that there is a reason why things in your life–good or bad–have happened to you. The reason, even when we can’t see it at the time, is this: it makes you stronger. This chapter is where it all begins. I will help you to dive deep into your subconscious mind and to discover your true passion.

Life has a way of covering up our true selves. We can become buried under discouragement or past mistakes. There are dreams buried under divorce or under low self-esteem, even though we have all of this wonderful potential on the inside. Just because you might have given up at one point, doesn’t mean that your dream is buried forever. The great news is that it’s still alive, and it’s never too late for you to uncover it.

You don’t have to settle for mediocrity. You have not missed your opportunity. You have not had too many bad breaks. You’re not lacking. You didn’t get shortchanged. There are seeds of greatness in you right now. Dreams so big that you can’t accomplish them on your own.

Just remember, change happens through discovery. Change does not happen through negative self-talk, discouragement, or complaining.

Life happens, but instead of holding onto the hurt, the pain, or what didn’t work out, the key to reaching your destiny is to begin to discover who you are. Visualize your dreams, your passion, and your purpose. Think about what gets your heart pumping from sheer excitement. If you will do your part… if you will start believing in you again… you will find clarity.

So what does it mean to discover your true self?  You will have to read the book to find out.

Finding a way to change ourselves or our lives is the point of our struggle to find meaning. If you don’t seek from within, you can miss who you were outwardly created to be. You may have been knocked down, but you get back up again. Just because your attempt at success didn’t work out before, doesn’t mean that your greatness went away. It’s still in you. Believe in your greatness.

You are enough. You have the ability to dream any dream and follow it, and live your best life possible!

P.S. Click HERE to learn about how you can get involved in the I Am Enough Movement and how to order your FREE I Am Enough cards!